Ilex vomitoria 'Yawkey'

Ilex vomitoria 'Yawkey' was discovered by F. G. Tarbox at South Island Plantation in Georgetown County, SC. It was introduced by Brookgreen Gardens.
F.G. Tarbox, Jr. described Ilex vomitoria 'Yawkey', then known as Ilex vomitoria var. yawkeyii in Some Native Hollies Rare and Common in Brookgreen Gardens:
"Twigs pubescent: leaves evergreen, more oval-ovate than oval, obtuse, 1.5 - 2 cm. long and to 1 cm. wide, crenate, glabrous and green above, paler beneath: calyx 2 mm. broad, glabrous: corolla solitary on glabrous pedicels about 2 mm. long and 5 - 6 mm.across: petals 2.5 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, obtuse: stamens 4, alternate with the corolla lobes: stigma sessile: fruit yellow, 4 - 6 mm. in diameter, somewhat flattened; nutlets 3 - 4 mm.long, ridged on the back. In full bloom April 20th, 1944.
The writer learned of this yellow-fruited yaupon from Dr. F. A. Bell of Georgetown, S.C., who had seen it growing on an old dike while on a hunting trip on the South Island Plantation in Georgetown Country, S.C., owned by Mr. T. A. Yawkey. Through the courtesy of Mr. J. A. Gibson, superintendent, cuttings were secured and placed in a greenhouse at Arcadia Plantation by Mr. Cox on August 14th, 1939. A single plant of the few which took root was saved and is now growing in Brookgreen Gardens, where it bore fruit for the first time in 1943. The plant is now about five feet tall and thriving. At the station on South Island; the plant was growing along with the usual plants found near the coast Myrica, Baccharis, and others. The more common red-fruited plants were growing in close proximity. Only two other plants, some distance apart, are known. Another, which was given to the Gardens by Mr. Yawkey, died. Since the plants are highly prized by Mrs. Yawkey, it is unlikely that any more will be available until such time as rooted cuttings can be secured from nurserymen. Cuttings from the Brookgreen plant have been sent to a nursery for propagation."
Hours: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
For daytime admission, gates close at 4:30 PM. For their safety and the safety of our animal collection, pets are not allowed, nor can they be left in vehicles inside Brookgreen. Service animals that have received special training to assist disabled persons are welcome.
Daily General Admission Tickets for 7 consecutive days
Children 3 and under: Free
Children 4-12: $12
Adults 13-64: $22
Seniors 65 & Over: $20
1931 Brookgreen Drive
Murrells Inlet, SC 29576
Off US Highway 17 Bypass, between Murrells Inlet and Pawleys Island on South Carolina's Hammock Coast