Brookgreen Gardens is excited to offer Scout Workshops.
Gather your kids, troop, pack, or club to join us for our Scout Days. You do not have to be a “scout” to participate. Our Creative Education Department offers badge programs for both Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Although these workshops fulfill Scout requirements, children of all ages and abilities can attend.
Cost: $7 per scout/child
*Required Adults: $0
Extra Adults: $7
Tag-a-longs: $7
Additional Information: Program cost applies to members and non-members.
Pre-registration is required 3 weeks in advance. Brookgreen does not provide the actual scout badge.
Please get in touch with your local council to purchase the badge. Brookgreen Gardens Badge is $4.50. (Scouts and non-scouts may purchase.)
If you are interested in participating, fill out the registration form below and email it to jcirino@brookgreen .
Troop Registration Form Individual Registration Form
If you have any questions about program content, please email
Upcoming Scout Days
Our 2025 Scout Days are coming soon!